Find a computer object in dcorp domain where we have Write permissions.
Use PowerView to enumerate Write permission for a user that we have compromised.
After trying from multiple users or using BloodHound (select ci-admin and select Outbound Object Control), we would know that the user ciadmin has Write permissions on the computer object of dcorp-mgmt:
The above output is read as: On dcorp-mgmt, there is a delegation setup that allows dcorp-std372. If we compromise dcorp-std machine, we would be able to access any service on dcorp-mgmt$ machine as any user including DA.
Now, after setting RBCD on dcorp-mgmt from ci-admin, we are allowing the machine account dcorp-std to access any service on the machine dcorp-mgmt as any user or Domain Admin.
Therefore, let's compromise the student machine and get the secrets.
Since we injected the ticket, we can either use winRS or PSRemoting.
C:\Users\student372>winrs -r:dcorp-mgmt cmd
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.20348.2227]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Administrator.dcorp>set username
set username
C:\Users\Administrator.dcorp>set computername
set computername