Insecure Deserialization


Insecure deserialization occurs when untrusted data is used to abuse the logic of an application, inflict a denial of service (DoS) attack, or even execute arbitrary code when data is deserialized.

Example with Scenario

Scenario: A web application accepts serialized objects from users and deserializes them on the server without proper validation. An attacker could craft a malicious serialized object that, when deserialized, executes arbitrary code or alters the application's behavior.

Payloads and Test Cases


  1. Java:

    SerializedPayload = Base64.encodeObject(new MaliciousObject());
  2. PHP:

  3. Python:

    payload = pickle.dumps(MaliciousObject())
  4. Ruby:

    payload = YAML.dump(

Test Cases

  1. Java:

    • Payload:

      SerializedPayload = Base64.encodeObject(new ExploitObject("calc.exe"));
    • Test Case:

      // Send serialized payload to the application
      // Check if the application executed the malicious command
  2. PHP:

    • Payload:

    • Test Case:

      // Send serialized payload to the application
      // Check if the application executed the command
  3. Python:

    • Payload:

      payload = pickle.dumps(MaliciousObject("os.system('ls')"))
    • Test Case:

      # Send serialized payload to the application
      # Check if the application executed the command
  4. Ruby:

    • Payload:

      payload = YAML.dump("`ls`"))
    • Test Case:

      # Send serialized payload to the application
      # Check if the application executed the command


  1. Validation and Filtering:

    • Validate and filter all input data, especially before deserialization.

    • Use a strict schema to validate serialized data.

  2. Use Safe Libraries:

    • Use libraries and frameworks that provide secure methods for serialization and deserialization.

    • Avoid using native serialization if safer alternatives are available.

  3. Implement Integrity Checks:

    • Implement integrity checks like digital signatures to ensure that the data has not been tampered with.

    • Use HMACs to verify data integrity.

  4. Deserialization Controls:

    • Implement controls to restrict the types of objects that can be deserialized.

    • Use allow-lists to restrict acceptable classes during deserialization.

  5. Monitor and Log:

    • Implement logging and monitoring to detect and respond to suspicious deserialization attempts.

    • Use intrusion detection systems (IDS) to alert on unusual deserialization activities.

Last updated