This code blindly deserializes user-provided data, which can lead to remote code execution if the User class or any of its members are not designed securely.
The fixed code uses Jackson for JSON deserialization instead of Java's built-in serialization. This approach is generally safer and allows for fine-grained control over deserialization behavior.
This code uses Apache Commons Collections' TransformedMap with InvokerTransformer, which can be exploited in deserialization attacks to execute arbitrary commands.
Fixed Code:
javaCopyimport java.util.HashMap;importjava.util.Map;publicclassCommandExecutor {publicstaticvoidexecuteCommand(String command) {// Validate and sanitize the commandif (!isValidCommand(command)) {thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Invalid command"); }// Execute the command safelyProcessBuilder processBuilder =newProcessBuilder(command.split("\\s+"));processBuilder.start(); }privatestaticbooleanisValidCommand(String command) {// Implement command validation logicreturncommand.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s-]+$"); }}
Reason for Fix:
The fixed code removes the use of potentially dangerous Apache Commons Collections classes and implements a safer way to execute commands with proper validation.
Python Example
Vulnerable Code:
pythonCopyimport pickleimport base64defprocess_data(encoded_data): data = base64.b64decode(encoded_data)return pickle.loads(data)
Reason for Vulnerability:
This code uses Python's pickle module to deserialize data, which can lead to arbitrary code execution if an attacker controls the serialized data.
Fixed Code:
pythonCopyimport jsonimport base64defprocess_data(encoded_data): data = base64.b64decode(encoded_data)return json.loads(data)
Reason for Fix:
The fixed code uses JSON for deserialization instead of pickle. JSON is a data-only format and doesn't allow for code execution, making it a safer choice for deserializing untrusted data.