
Development, Security, Operations


DevOps combines Software Development and IT Operations to shorten software release cycles through automation.

Key Components:

  • CI/CD Pipelines: Automate integrating and deploying code changes.

  • Environments/Infrastructure: Maintain environments for development, testing, and production.

  • Tech Stacks:

    • Version Control: Git, SVN

    • CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub, Azure DevOps

    • Infrastructure: Docker, VMs, Vagrant, Terraform

    • Cloud Providers: Azure, AWS, GCP

    • Configuration Management: Ansible, Chef


DevSecOps integrates security testing at every stage of the software development process, fostering collaboration between developers, security specialists, and operations teams to build secure and efficient software.


  • Development: Planning, coding, building, and testing the application.

  • Security: Introducing security earlier in the SDLC; ensuring code is free of vulnerabilities and performing thorough security testing.

  • Operations: Releasing, monitoring, and fixing issues in the software.

Importance of DevSecOps

  • Efficiently Address Security Issues: Integrates security into each development phase, avoiding delays and reducing costs.

  • Cultural Transformation: Makes security a shared responsibility among all team members.

Benefits of DevSecOps

  • Catch Vulnerabilities Early: Security checks at each stage help detect and fix issues sooner.

  • Reduce Time to Market: Automated security tests minimize delays.

  • Ensure Regulatory Compliance: Adopts professional security practices to meet industry standards.

  • Build a Security-Aware Culture: Teams proactively address security throughout development.

  • Develop Secure Features: Collaboration across teams ensures new features are secure.

Implementation of DevSecOps

  • DevOps: A practice combining development and operations through automation and collaboration.

  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery): Automated build-and-test steps to efficiently deliver small changes.

  • Security Integration: Incorporates security assessments throughout CI/CD, making it a shared responsibility.

DevSecOps in the SDLC

  • Security testing traditionally occurs post-development.

  • DevSecOps integrates it throughout the SDLC:

    • Planning > Analysis > Design > Coding > Testing > Maintenance.

DevSecOps Framework

  • Pre-Commit Hooks: Scripts that run before changes are committed, ensuring code quality and security by catching issues early.

  • Security Pipelines: Dedicated pipelines for SAST, DAST, SCA.

  • Shift Left: Incorporates security early in the SDLC to catch issues sooner.

  • Shift Right: Continues security focus post-deployment to catch runtime issues.

DevSecOps Tools

  • SAST

    • Opensource: SonarQube, Bandit, FindSecBugs

    • Commercial: Checkmarx, Fortify, Veracode

  • DAST

    • Opensource: OWASP ZAP, Nuclei, Arachni, Wapiti

    • Commercial: Burp Suite, Acunetix, Netsparker, Nessus

  • SCA

    • Opensource: Snyk, Retire.js, OWASP Dependency-Check

    • Commercial: WhiteSource, Black Duck, Synk

  • Security in Infrastructure as Code

    • Opensource: TFLint, Checkov, Prowler

    • Commercial: Bridgecrew, CloudSploit, Prisma Cloud

  • Secret Management

    • Opensource: HashiCorp Vault, Mozilla SOPS, AWS Secrets Manager

    • Commercial: CyberArk Conjur, AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault.

  • CI/CD Integration: Jenkins, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions

  • Monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana, Splunk

  • Container Security: Aqua Security, Twistlock, Clair

DevSecOps Culture

  • Communication: Leadership promotes security practices' importance.

  • People: Collaboration between development, operations, and security teams.

  • Technology: Automated security testing tools.

  • Process: Continuous security testing and evaluation at every development stage.

Challenges in Implementing DevSecOps

  • Cultural Shift: Resistance to changing traditional roles and practices.

  • Tool Integration: Difficulty integrating diverse tools into a continuous delivery process.

Best Practices of DevSecOps

  • Shift Left: Early-stage security vulnerability checks.

  • Shift Right: Focus on post-deployment security.

  • Automated Security Tools: Integrate into CI/CD to avoid delays.

  • Promote Security Awareness: Make security a core value shared by all team members.

DevSecOps in Agile Development

  • Agile Mindset: Efficient application development with a focus on responding to changes.

  • Integration with Agile: DevSecOps introduces security practices into agile’s iterative cycles.

Last updated