Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a security vulnerability that occurs when a malicious website tricks a user's web browser into performing an unwanted action on another website where the user is authenticated. It takes advantage of the trust that a website places in a user's browser.

Here's a simplified explanation of how CSRF works:

  1. User Authentication: The user logs into a website (let's call it Website A) by providing their credentials and receives a session cookie.

  2. Malicious Website: The user visits a different website (Malicious Website B), which contains a hidden malicious request or script.

  3. CSRF Attack: The malicious website includes a request that is intended to perform an action on Website A, such as changing the user's email address or making a purchase. This request can be a simple HTML form or an XMLHttpRequest made by JavaScript.

  4. Automatic Submission: When the user visits the malicious website, their browser automatically sends the request to Website A, including the user's session cookie. The browser assumes the request is legitimate because it originated from Website A, where the user is authenticated.

  5. Action on Website A: Website A receives the request, accompanied by the user's session cookie, and processes it as a legitimate action, without realizing that the request was unauthorized.

The CSRF vulnerability arises from the fact that the user's browser automatically includes cookies associated with a particular website in any request made to that website, regardless of where the request originated. The attacker exploits this behavior to trick the user's browser into making unintended actions on the targeted website.

To prevent CSRF attacks, web developers can implement countermeasures such as:

  1. CSRF Tokens: Websites can generate unique tokens and include them in forms or as part of requests. These tokens are then validated on the server side to ensure that the request originated from the same website.

  2. SameSite Cookies: Developers can set the SameSite attribute for cookies, which restricts their scope to the same origin. This prevents the browser from automatically including the cookie in cross-site requests.

  3. Referrer Header Validation: Websites can verify the referring URL in incoming requests to ensure they originated from the same website.

By implementing these measures, website developers can mitigate the risk of CSRF attacks and protect their users from unauthorized actions performed on their behalf.

Last updated