Python Secure Coding

Insecure Function/Practice
Remediation/Secure Function


eval with user input

Code Injection

A web application executes user input as code using eval.

Avoid using eval, use safer alternatives like ast.literal_eval for parsing literals


exec with user input

Code Injection

A web application executes user input as code using exec.

Avoid using exec, use safer alternatives and validate input


SQL queries without parameterized queries

SQL Injection

A web application constructs SQL queries using user input without parameterized queries.

Use parameterized queries with libraries like sqlite3, psycopg2, or SQLAlchemy


input() in versions < 3.0

Code Injection

In Python 2.x, input() evaluates the input as Python code.

Use raw_input() in Python 2.x, or use input() in Python 3.x and validate input


os.system with user input

Command Injection

A web application constructs shell commands using user input with os.system.

Use with a list of arguments instead of os.system, validate input


pickle.loads with untrusted data

Insecure Deserialization

A web application deserializes untrusted data using pickle.loads, leading to remote code execution.

Avoid using pickle with untrusted data, use safer alternatives like json or yaml


open without validation

Path Traversal

A web application opens files using paths derived from user input without validation.

Validate and sanitize file paths, use a whitelist of allowed paths


requests.get without proper SSL verification

Insecure SSL Configuration

A web application makes HTTP requests without verifying SSL certificates.

Use requests.get(url, verify=True) or configure SSL verification properly


Logging sensitive information

Information Exposure

Sensitive information like passwords or tokens is logged.

Avoid logging sensitive information, use redaction if necessary


flask.jsonpify without validation

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

A Flask application returns user input directly in JSON responses without validation.

Validate and sanitize input, use proper encoding functions


Unrestricted file upload

Unrestricted File Upload

A web application allows users to upload files without validation, leading to remote code execution or malware injection.

Validate file types, use a whitelist of allowed file types, scan for malicious content


yaml.load with untrusted data

Insecure Deserialization

A web application deserializes untrusted data using yaml.load, leading to remote code execution.

Use yaml.safe_load instead of yaml.load


str.format with untrusted data

Format String Vulnerability

A web application uses str.format with untrusted user input.

Use f-strings or validate and sanitize input before using str.format


json.loads without validation

JSON Injection

A web application processes untrusted JSON data without validation.

Validate and sanitize JSON input before processing


Using default flask secret key

Weak Secret Key

A Flask application uses the default secret key for session management.

Generate and use a strong, unique secret key for each application

Last updated