Open Redirect

Open Redirect


Open Redirect occurs when a web application allows untrusted input to redirect users to external URLs without proper validation. This can lead to phishing attacks and loss of user trust.

Example with Scenario

Scenario: A web application uses a URL parameter to redirect users after login. An attacker can craft a malicious URL that redirects users to a phishing site.

Payloads and Test Cases


  1. Basic Open Redirect:

  2. URL Encoding:

  3. Relative Path:


Test Cases

  1. Basic Open Redirect:

    • Payload:

    • Test Case:

      # Send payload to the server
      # Verify if the application redirects to the malicious URL
  2. URL Encoding:

    • Payload:

    • Test Case:

      # Send payload to the server
      # Verify if the application redirects to the malicious URL
  3. Relative Path:

    • Payload:

    • Test Case:

      # Send payload to the server
      # Verify if the application redirects to the malicious URL


  1. Whitelist URLs:

    • Implement a whitelist of allowed URLs for redirection.

    • Ensure that only trusted URLs are allowed for redirection.

  2. URL Validation:

    • Validate the URL parameter to ensure it points to a trusted domain.

    • Reject any URL that does not match the allowed patterns.

  3. Use Relative URLs:

    • Use relative URLs for internal redirection to prevent external redirects.

    • Avoid using user-supplied input directly in redirection logic.

  4. Security Headers:

    • Implement security headers like Content Security Policy (CSP) to restrict loading of external resources.

    • Use X-Frame-Options to prevent clickjacking attacks.

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