Secure Coding

Security Principles:

  • Do Not Mix Code and Data: Prevent injection attacks.

  • SD3: Secure by Design, Default, Deployment.

  • Minimize Attack Surface: Limit ports, services, privileges, and dynamic content.

  • Employ Secure Defaults: Use safe settings as defaults.

  • Least Privilege and Separation of Privilege: Ensure minimal access rights and separation of roles.

  • Plan for Failure: Design systems to handle failures securely.

  • Fix Security Issues Correctly: Address root causes, not just symptoms.

  • Learn from Mistakes: Continuously improve security practices.

Secure Design Principles

  • Economy of mechanism:

    • Keep the design as simple and small as possible to reduce the chance of errors and vulnerabilities.

  • Fail-safe defaults:

    • Base access decisions on permission rather than exclusion to ensure security by default.

  • Complete mediation:

    • Every access to every object must be checked for authority at the time of access to prevent unauthorized actions.

  • Open design:

    • The design and code should not be secret. The secrecy should be in the data, like passwords or cryptographic keys, to ensure transparency and trust.

  • Separation of privilege:

    • Require multiple conditions to grant access, ensuring it’s safer if two parties need to agree on a decision rather than one alone.

  • Least privilege:

    • Operate with the minimal set of powers necessary to complete a task, reducing potential damage from exploits.

  • Least common mechanism:

    • Minimize the subsystems shared between or relied upon by mutually distrusting users to reduce security risks.

  • Psychological acceptability:

    • Design security systems to be user-friendly to ensure they are used correctly and consistently.

  • Work factor:

    • Compare the cost of circumventing the security mechanism with the resources of a potential attacker to ensure security measures are effective and efficient.

  • Compromise recording:

    • Record that a compromise of information has occurred to detect breaches and respond appropriately.

Securing Workflow:


  • Least Privilege: Grant only necessary permissions to users and processes.

  • Defense in Depth: Employ multiple layers of security controls.

  • Background Checks: Verify personnel handling sensitive data.

  • Physical Security: Secure hardware and physical access to systems.

Building Securely:

General Principles:

  • Build engineering as part of software development.

  • Builds are iterative; the first build often fails.

  • Projects should align with established build processes.

Security Tools:

  • SAST (Static Application Security Testing): Analyze source code for vulnerabilities.

  • DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing): Analyze running applications for vulnerabilities.

  • SCA (Software Composition Analysis): Analyze open-source components for security and license compliance.

Secret Management:

  • Avoid storing secrets in version control.

  • Ensure secure handling of secrets in build logs.

  • Use OAuth, Personal Access Tokens, or Certificates for third-party tool authentication.

  • SSO (Single Sign-On): Uses SAML for secure, attribute-based authentication.

Dependency Security:

  • Regularly scan and update dependencies to mitigate vulnerabilities.

Secure Deployment:

  • Immutable Server: Servers that cannot be changed post-deployment.

  • Containerization:

    • Use containers for isolated, consistent environments.

    • Containers share the host OS kernel; hybrid modes (e.g., Hyper-V Isolation) add security layers.

  • Deployment Tools:

    • Octopus Deploy: Automates and secures deployment processes.

Making Security Observable:

  • Insecurity through Obscurity: Avoid hiding security issues; face and fix them.

  • Logging and Monitoring: Use tools like ELK (Elastic Search, LogStash, Kibana) or Splunk for comprehensive logging and analysis.

Common Insecure Coding Practices:

  • Copy-Paste Code: Avoid reusing insecure code.

  • Hardcoding Credentials: Avoid storing sensitive information like passwords, API keys, database connection strings directly in code.

  • Trusting User Input: Failing to validate or sanitize user input can lead to injection attacks.

  • Inadequate Authentication and Authorization: Weak implementation of auth mechanisms.

  • Insecure Use of Cryptographic Functions: Using outdated or weak cryptographic algorithms or improperly implementing cryptographic functions

  • Insecure Error Handling: Revealing sensitive information in error messages or logs.

  • Insecure Session Management: Using predictable session tokens, not invalidating sessions on logout, or not implementing session timeout mechanisms.

  • Misconfiguration of Security Headers

  • Insecure Deserialization

  • Failing to Apply Patches and Updates

  • Trusting Insecure SSL Certificates: Verify domain match, validity, and trustworthiness of certificates.

Last updated