Command Injection

Example 1: Python

Vulnerable Code:

pythonCopy codeos.system("ls " + request.args.get('dir'))

Reason for vulnerability: User input is directly used in the command, allowing command injection.

Fixed Code:

pythonCopy codedir = request.args.get('dir')
if not is_valid_directory(dir):
os.system("ls " + dir)

Reason for fix: Validate and sanitize user input before using it in the command.

Example 2: Java

Vulnerable Code:

javaCopy codeString dir = request.getParameter("dir");
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls " + dir);

Reason for vulnerability: User input is directly used in the command, allowing command injection.

Fixed Code:

javaCopy codeString dir = request.getParameter("dir");
if (!isValidDirectory(dir)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid directory");
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls " + dir);

Reason for fix: Validate and sanitize user input before using it in the command.

Python Example

Vulnerable Code:

pythonCopyimport os

def run_command(command):

def process_user_input(user_input):
    run_command(f"echo {user_input} >> log.txt")

Reason for Vulnerability:

This code directly incorporates user input into a shell command, allowing injection of arbitrary commands.

Fixed Code:

pythonCopyimport subprocess
import shlex

def run_command(command, args):[command] + args, check=True)

def process_user_input(user_input):
    run_command("echo", [user_input, ">>", "log.txt"])

Reason for Fix:

The fixed code uses with a list of arguments, which prevents shell injection. It also uses shlex.quote for extra safety when constructing commands.

Java Example

Vulnerable Code:


public class PingUtility {
    public static String ping(String host) throws IOException {
        Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ping " + host);
        // Read and return process output

Reason for Vulnerability:

This code directly incorporates user input into a shell command, allowing injection of arbitrary commands.

Fixed Code:


public class PingUtility {
    public static String ping(String host) throws IOException {
        if (!isValidHostname(host)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hostname");
        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("ping", host);
        Process process = pb.start();
        // Read and return process output

    private static boolean isValidHostname(String host) {
        return host.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$");

Reason for Fix:

The fixed code validates the hostname and uses ProcessBuilder to safely construct the command.

Ruby Example

Vulnerable Code:

rubyCopydef execute_command(command)

puts execute_command(ARGV[0])

Reason for Vulnerability:

This code directly executes user-provided input as a shell command, allowing arbitrary command execution.

Fixed Code:

rubyCopyrequire 'open3'

def execute_command(command, *args)
  raise ArgumentError, "Invalid command" unless ['ls', 'cat', 'echo'].include?(command)
  stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command, *args)
  raise "Command failed: #{stderr}" unless status.success?

  puts execute_command(ARGV[0], *ARGV[1..-1])
rescue ArgumentError, RuntimeError => e
  puts "Error: #{e.message}"

Reason for Fix:

The fixed code uses a whitelist of allowed commands and Open3.capture3 for safer command execution.

Last updated