Android is built using open-source Linux Kernel.
Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) provides a platform for running Android apps.
Android Run Time (ART) is modern translation layer from the application's bytecode to device instructions.
Android apps are written in either Java or Kotlin.
Main Components
Represents top layer of Android Architecture.
Includes pre-installed apps like Home, Contacts, Camera, Gallary, etc.
It runs within Android Runtime with the help of classes and services implemented by the application framework.
Application Framework
Provides several classes used to create apps.
Provides a generic abstraction for hardware access and manages the UI with app resources.
Includes services like Activity Manager, Notification Manager, View System, Package Manager, etc.
Content Providers
A way of sharing data to other applications via a specific directory (if exported)
View System
Utilized for making the App's UI and normalizing it.
Notifications, Telephony, Package, Location, etc.
Application Runtime
Contains components like core libraries and DVM.
DVM is optimized for Android to ensure device can run multiple instances efficiently.
Platform Libraries:
Includes C/C++ core libraries and Jave based libraries for various functionalities.
Media, SGL/OpenGL for graphics, SQLite for database, Web-Kit for web content loading, SSL for secure transmission, etc.
Linux Kernel:
Manages all avaibled drivers required during runtime such as Camera, Bluetooth, Audio, Memory, etc.
Responsible for Security, Memory Management, Process Management, Network Stack, Driver Model.
APK File
Contains information about application including it's package name, version, required permissions, and components such as activities, services, and broadcast receivers.
minSDKVersion, Permissions, Activities, Content Providers
Look for activities that have "exported=true", which means that it can be accessed without authentication.
Copy the exported activity name and access it from ADB
Contains compiled Java bytecode for application's classes which are executed by Android Runtime (ART)
Contains compiled resources such as strings, images, and layouts used by app.
Folder contains compiled native code libs for specific device architecture such as ARM or x86.
Look for strings/information inside the .so shared object library files.
Folder contains manifest file, certificate of APK signature, and list of all the files in the APK along with their checksums
Folder contains additional app data files such as sound and video that are not compiled into the APK.
res/: Folder contains the app resources such as layouts, strings, and images in their original format before being compiled into Resources.arsc file.
Look for Hardcoded secrets in the resources/values/strings.xml
Strings: API, Key, SQL, password, pass, AWS, http, firebase, secret, etc.
Android System Files:
Folder Contains system level files such as Android Runtime, framework libraries, and system components that the app may use.
Android Application Security
Every Android app can be reverse engineered, rebuilt, re-signed, and re-run
This means that an attacker can modify application functionality.
JADX-GUI or ApkTool can be used to obtain the source code.
Jave/Kotlin -> DEX Bytecode
Reverse Engineers
DEX Bytecode -> SMALI -> Decompiled Java
Application Signing
To ensure an application's integrity, we use Public-Key cryptography.
Three methods of verifying signatures:
APK Signature scheme v1, v2, v3.
Google implemented Google Play signing which adds unique signatures to the apps.
keytool, jarsigner, zipalign
Last updated